Reports and Publications
Blogs and Press
Community Innovation Practitioners: Fostering a Community of Practice | NCACE
Devolution revolution: Unlocking R&D for creative communities | ArtsProfessional
Building a future where communities thrive and innovation flourishes | The Northern Agenda
Research reimagined: Creative Communities and inclusive innovation | UKRI Blog
Creative placemaking: The role of universities in supporting cultural and creative industries | ArtsProfessional
Putting culture at the heart of the mission economy | WonkHE
Successful devolution isn’t possible without universities | WonkHE
Digital storytelling for twenty-first century changemaking | WonkHE
The Icing on the Cake? Culture, Devolution and the North East | With Dr Henry Kippin, CEO of North of Tyne Combined Authority | Local Government Association
English universities have a central role to play in the devolution agenda | Times Higher Education
Creative Communities: co-creating inclusive innovation | AHRC Blog
Cymunedau Creadigol: Cyd-greu Arloesedd Cynhwysol | AHRC Blog
By all, for all – how arts and humanities research can build more resilient communities | WonkHE
How can R&D address regional inequality? | Arts Professional
The secret to ‘levelling up’ is in cross-sector, community-based research | Times Higher Education
Why culture holds the key to levelling up via a pan-Northern powerhouse | The Northern Agenda
Remember, Resist, Rise Up – Mapping LGBT+ Creative Communities in Bristol | AHRC Creative Communities
Co-Creating Dance Futures | AHRC Creative Communities
Literature Changes the World | The Reading Lists
Co-creation with Communities | AHRC Creative Communities
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