NCACE Evidence Café to spotlight Creative Communities research

The Creative Communities team will present and reflect on the recent deep dive report, CIP pilot and future research plans at an upcoming NCACE webinar on Thursday 18 May 2023.

NCACE’s Evidence Café sessions have been held regularly since March 2021. The café is an online space for presentations, evidence and information sharing, story-telling as well as a community of knowledge sharing and exchange. Over the last two years, their cafés have created key spaces for conversation on topics including: Impact and REF, Place-making, Climate Emergency, Health and Wellbeing and KEF.

This Thursday 18 May 2023 Evidence Café will present and reflect on By All, For All: The Power of Partnership, Creative Communities’ recent deep dive report that draws on more than a decade of AHRC-funded community and cross-sector collaborative R&D to explore how we can unlock the potential or accelerate the opportunity of engaging communities and partners as researchers, especially those most impacted by the UK Government’s Levelling Up agenda.

The session will provide opportunities for Creative Communities and AHRC to share headlines, examples of good practice and policy recommendations from the report that could facilitate more flexible, inclusive and sustainable R&D partnerships across the whole of the UK. Our team will also provide details about the next phase of the programme and opportunities to connect.

NCACE is an initiative led by TCCE and funded by Research England to facilitate and support capacity for Knowledge Exchange between Higher Education and the arts and cultural sector across the UK, with a particular focus on evidencing and showcasing the social, cultural, environmental, as well as economic, impacts of such activities.

Sign up now via eventbrite to secure a space in the online audience, and keep up to date with all of our events on our news feed.


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