Prof Katy Shaw delivers Levelling Up keynote at University of Sunderland

Director of Creative Communities gives a keynote talk at University of Sunderland event on themes of levelling up, civic pride and growth in the creative industries.

At a recent event hosted by the University of Sunderland, Director of Creative Communities Katy Shaw spoke to an audience of academics, industry, third sector and policy figures about the levelling up agenda, creative economies and place-based community research.

The government’s £4.8billion Levelling Up Fund investment is unprecedented, and intended to create opportunities for growth across the UK. Prof Katy Shaw was grateful for the opportunity to emphasise the importance of an all nations, all regions approach to levelling up and highlight the immense importance the creative industries could play in economic growth and cultural recovery to a specialist faculty and business colleagues.

Katy spoke about the transformative potential of university education and access, which must be committed to as a core principle of the levelling up strategy, alongside cultural and creative innovation to provide authentic opportunities for growth and innovation.

The Creative Communities programme will launch a deep dive report in spring 2023 exploring these and other themes, bringing together for the first time a research-intensive examination of the policy, industry and third sector landscapes and making recommendations for creative community activity that supports pride in place, civic identity and levelling up.

Katy is the author of the 2021 Case for Culture APPG inquiry report on culture and levelling up post-Covid for the North of England. More information about Prof Katy Shaw is available via her profile.

You can find more about the programme across our website, but can start with the about section.


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