Join us: Creative Communities Report Launch and CIP Pilot Webinar

Join the AHRC Creative Communities team for a public launch of our deep dive report  and CIP Pilot in an upcoming webinar, to discuss for details of our report findings and the IAA funding opportunity.

The By All, For All: The Power of Partnership report maps for the first time a decade of AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) funded community and cross-sector collaborative research and development (R&D) projects. The report demonstrates how funders, including UK Government, can more effectively engage non-academic cross-sector partners and communities as researchers, especially those who are affected by geographic, economic and social inequalities.

Join the AHRC Creative Communities team, based at Northumbria University, for an in-depth overview of the research and report recommendations on Wednesday 17 May 2023, 14:00-15:30. This webinar is an opportunity for the Creative Communities team to introduce the research so far to a public audience and share further details of the new Community Innovation Practitioner pilot for AHRC IAAs.

Sign up now via eventbrite to secure a space in the online audience.

In this webinar you will:

  • meet the Creative Communities and AHRC team;
  • find out more about the Creative Communities programme and our research so far;
  • learn more about the CIP pilot, its aims, and how to apply;
  • have the chance to ask the Creative Communities team any questions.

Please note that this webinar will be recorded. Northumbria University are a Data Controller for personal data recorded during this webinar. The purpose of our recording this webinar is to provide a resource allowing you to watch the recording of the webinar in the future and it will be made available on the Creative Communities website immediately after the event. The Q&A section of the webinar will not be recorded but a summary of the questions and answers will be produced and shared. Contact the Creative Communities team for more info.


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