AHRC Creative Communities attends Creative Collaborations, University of York

Dr Andy Robson, Senior Impact Fellow for Creative Communities recently attended Creative Collaborations: A Place & Community Event at the University of York.

Hosted by the research team in the Humanities Research Centre at the University of York, this event sought to explore how academics work with individual creative practitioners to enhance their research and develop lasting and equitable collaborations in the creative sector beyond the academy. Showcasing inspiring examples of good practice and insights from academics and creative practitioners who have participated in collaborative activities at the University of York and beyond, this session aimed to inspire and empower them to incorporate creative approaches in their methodologies and develop new collaborations with practitioners.

Dr Andy Robson’s work with the Creative Communities programme focuses on the delivery of research-based impact and research dissemination activities, working collaboratively with our partner organisations, wider research community and broader network of stakeholders across the programme’s multiple outputs.

A full list of speakers and presentations from this event is available online. You can find out more about Dr Andy Robson on our website, and stay up to date with activities through our news and announcements.


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