The programme will begin by producing a deep-dive scoping report, which will provide a robust evidence base to bridge knowledge gaps and raise questions for policy-led research agendas in a useful and accessible report. This will inform thinking about what the programme’s final recommendations will be but also make initial recommendations and open discussions.
Phase two activity will see the creation of five new Community Innovation Practitioner roles across all four nations of the UK to work on profiling existing creative communities through co-creation and close case study working. Additionally the ‘Act’ phase will involve the first ever survey of cross-sector partner organisations who have worked with AHRC research from 2012-2022, as well as a series of policy labs, podcasts and expert workshops.
The final stage of Creative Communities is about disseminating our findings through the website, major report, toolkit of recommendations and a match-making portal that will enable communities and partners to engage. The programme will be communicating and co-creating opportunities for growth and dissemination through an all-nations and all-regions roadshow and further public-facing festival events, while also announcing formal policy recommendations for funders and major networks – these organisational strategy recommendations for the AHRC and UKRI will shape decision-making for years to come.
From 2025-7 the programme will be scaling two signature investments in the Community Innovation Practitioner Awards (2025-6) and the Co-Lab Network awards. It will also publish a series of policy papers exploring the role of culture and R&D in devolved policy making from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. A new online toolkit will help connect UK cross-sector creative communities to the opportunities generated by the devolution of culture and R&D across our nations and regions.
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