Community Innovation Practitioner Pilot Research Showcase Webinar

Join the 5 CIPs and the AHRC Creative Communities programme team for a Research Showcase webinar: Wednesday 23 October 2024, 11:00-12:30.

Join the AHRC Creative Communities programme team and our Community Innovation Practitioner (CIP) Pilot 2023/24 cohort to discover how creativity and innovation can drive positive change in our communities. Our CIP cohort will share innovative ideas and inspiring stories from their CIP research, and present highlights from their co-created podcast series.

Register online now.

Why Join? 

  • Hear firsthand how the CIPs have been harnessing the power of co-creation and partnership to drive positive change within communities
  • The CIP cohort and their partners will share their experience of the last year of research, including the intricacies of collaboration, innovative research methods, and challenges as well as successes 
  • Hear about the process of co-creating the Creative Communities podcast, and get a sneak peek at highlights from the series featuring real stories from community and partners voices from across the UK
  • Meet and discuss ideas with fellow community innovators, explore the future of co-creation in action, and hear about forthcoming opportunities from AHRC Creative Communities


  • Welcomes from AHRC & Creative Communities 
  • Hello from the CIP cohort & partners
  • CIP Showcase
  • Panel & Discussion
  • Close

What is the CIP Pilot?

AHRC Creative Communities 2023-4 Community Innovation Practitioner (CIP) Pilot awarded £290k to 5 CIPs across all the four nations of the UK to work with cross sector stakeholders and communities with the aim of generating new culture to enhance community cohesion.

Over the last 12 months the 5 CIPs have worked with government, private, public and third sector partners to deliver new cultural R&D aimed at enhancing local belonging and pride in place and opening new access to collaborative R&D.

Their new podcast series, case studies and devolved policy papers provide timely evidence on the value of cross-sector partnership working to delivery cultural innovation and community cohesion in devolved contexts.

About AHRC Creative Communities

The AHRC Creative Communities programme explores the transformative power of cross-sector collaboration for culture and inclusive innovation in the policy contexts of the three devolved nations and twelve Mayoral Combined Authorities of the UK. Hosted by Northumbria University, the programme is developing a new evidence base on how and why culture can address growth, regional inequality, enhance belonging and equalise opportunity using culture-led R&D.
Creative Communities aims to explore how and why engaging cross-sector partners in research, and communities as research partners, can enhance the quality, resilience, and sustainability of our research ecosystem.  

The programme is shifting research funding and power back into devolved nations and regions by harnessing devolved culture policy and trailblazer deals to help cross-sector communities take back control of their own culture and innovation story. 
It takes an integrated approach to contextualise and catalyse the co-creation of R&D with communities, government, and the third and private sector using a new evidence base to identify capacity, reach, best practice, and potential for scale up.  


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